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here are the finished colored sketches of this month :)

- purpledenmark wanted me to draw a continuation of that picture with Alma Elma and Cecil from monstergir quest "playing" together. Alma Elma seems to be thinking of new games to come ^^ 

- Yamiasuna95  asked to see a continuation of this picture with Rem eating a willing Subaru. Subaru seem to like it in his new home XD

- Kidan Faerill wanted to see a picture of Eos,  a fairy from FF 14, having grown into a giantess and picking people off the bridges of limsa lominsa and eating them happily by the handfulls X3

-And Lastly, Tomnautical wanted to see a portrait of a robotic, nerdy girl, serving as a mascot :3

I hope you like them ! check the joint piece to see them at a larger size ;)




I realize I'm late on this, but man, asking to have Alma spit Cecil out, really? That's incredibly disappointing... :/


Really like how it turned out. Thanks again man.

Merku (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:48:37 Ganking & Aps. So she's a camper.
2017-11-12 18:28:40 Ganking & Aps. So she's a camper.

Ganking & Aps. So she's a camper.


It means to lie in wait and ambush a person in PVP in such a way they stand no chance.


Gaming. The tank top says gaming. Although she probably does gank a little bit.


I know. But it does look like a nk instead of a m


Oh I see XD Yes I know the term ( I played LOl for a while )but i didn't made the link ^^