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The finished picture :) Meet the lovely CEO of Viviantek Visual Magic, a famous company specialized in special effects. The closest I could come from her illusions-based magic in Felarya :D The picture was suggested by McKay. He wanted to see a full picture of a "what if " scenario for Vivian. I thought it would be fun to try and imagine her as well as what her environment would look like. I had a blast putting little hints here and there at her Felaryan persona ^^




It looks great! I can already picture her flirting with a new young intern just to watch how uncomfortable he gets.


Yeah managing to focus and work in that company must be tough XD


on hindsight I should probably have added some armrests ^^


Love it! She certainly pulls of the look spectacularly, and is really still highly recognizable as Vivian despite wearing clothes of all things. xD The waterfall painting is a nice touch, and . . . it's tough to tell for sure, but that card game she's got pulled up kinda looks like it's covering something of a salacious nature. x3

Minamoto Terumi

I tried a chair with armrests, for me they tend to get in the way and be kind of constrictive. Plus they get in the way when you want to be as close to your desk as possible.