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The picture finished :D ( or mostly so ) 

I wonder who did this X3 ( probably not Tina looking at her reaction ! )

EDIT: just added a no spank version for those who just wants a nice, unobstructed view of that lovely bottom. It changes the sense of the picture quite a bit but well.. XD




Spanked so hard the bruises became readable :D


I love me some caylin


Am I the only one who feels that there may be a part two to this? Hehe


Considering there’s a very suspicious pair of branches in the background... I think I have and idea!


Looks at the bushes in the background............... Nah that deer can't be the culprit XD :D


Why do I get the feeling that (if the culprit's who I think it is) she probably used a long and very complicated method to etch that message out... ? ^_^;


oh o.o Just a detail i assure you ! I didn't event notice when I drew the picture ;D

Taiki Sensei

En plus, pendant son casse-dalle, quelle fourberie ! XD


Haha, really like that one! Caylin's expression, the little adventurer, the vibrant jungle scenery all around (complete with a cute and innocent deer). . . and then there's also that very shapely neko butt :3 All in all really a big step up from the WIP and turly worthy of an april fools' day picture :D


Thank you :D And yeah the WIP was a bit direction-less, here you get a better idea of what is going on XD


I don't know why everyone seems to be suspecting a certain purple fairy: there's no way to PROVE it wasn't just an inexplicably literate deer who pulled the prank! But yeah, this is really nice. Her outraged expression is really cute, and I can't complain about the perspective on display. x3 Happy April Fools! :D