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For this picture I kept ALL layers I used from start to finish so you can see the whole process :D   

So it's a little bit messy but I organized them all in group so you can better keep track of them. This picture was really complex as often with a scene with a group of characters with intertwined poses. 

For this one I thought the best bet would be to make some characters separated from others so if I need to change or adjust the perspective I don't have to redraw them entirely. ( and believe me it paid off because I DID change the perspective ^^;  )

There are arguments for and against that. Some would say it makes the drawing feels less cohesive and I kind of agree but it's a necessary sacrifice imho since I wasn't completely set on a composition and it allows you more freedom as you go.

Shading was a big part of that picture as you can see ( if you mask the global shading layer, the picture immediately lose a lot of impact I think ) , giving a lot of volume to each shapes. It's even more visible here than in many others of my picture since I went for sharper contrasts to give a bit more of a foresty feel and dramatize a bit the atmosphere.  The little ray of light and specks at the stop helped reinforce that ^^ 

In the end the contrast you give to your shading is like a slider. The more contrast you give : the more volume and impact you give to your picture, but if you contrast it too much, you might end up with an over-dramatized feel that just looks off. It's a delicate balance ^^   

 Here are past demos if you missed them :  










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