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Another mawshot :)

This time it's Lucilya's, a fairy made by French-snack, showing you eagerly the entrance to her digestive system X3  You can tell she's been expecting you there !

 For the final version I think I'll add a prey in the back of her mouth holding on her tongue ;3




Omg this super cute looking X3


YES! i loev FrencSnacks stories! so i love that someone is drawing one of hes caracters in Feleraya. and by none other than karbo!

Death_Trance (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:16:15 Yaasss, more maw shots! ^_^ It makes me want to jump on in!
2019-05-16 18:39:23 Yaasss, more maw shots! ^_^ It makes me want to jump on in!

Yaasss, more maw shots! ^_^ It makes me want to jump on in!

Nick2802 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:16:15 I don't think you should add pray hanging on in my opinion, it makes the whole feel of the picture less personal. It always adds more personality when the perspective is far enough back to see their eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul after all.
2019-05-16 18:47:02 I don't think you should add pray hanging on in my opinion, it makes the whole feel of the picture less personal. It always adds more personality when the perspective is far enough back to see their eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul after all.

I don't think you should add pray hanging on in my opinion, it makes the whole feel of the picture less personal. It always adds more personality when the perspective is far enough back to see their eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul after all.


Gorgeous :D Something about the color composition on this also feels really nice, too! Not sure if it’s just me or what, the colors seem brighter than usual, even for an unshaded WIP. I like it.


Yes I see what you mean ^^ actually I think i'm going to go for two version of the picture.


Thanks XD yes I have a weakness for Lucilya I admit :D




Very nice! I love it. I want to see the prey holding Lucilya's uvula better than the tongue. Could you put the prey there?


T'es en feu avec les mawshots ces temps-ci. Continue =D Je suis aussi de l'avis que l'image est très bien comme ça! Elle semble couchée sur le dos et attend que quelqu'un lui mette quelque chose dans la bouche alors déjà pour moi ça me titille! À la limite peut-être qu'elle a déjà avalé le premier, y'a un bulge dans sa gorge et elle ré-ouvre la bouche pour le 2ème!


I agree with Anon here, though I'd love to see two little prey. One hanging from the uvula for dear life, and one hanging off the tip of Lucilya's tongue!


Oh dang, the colors here look really bright and vibrant, I like it!


Wow, I love those shades of blue and purple! Lucilya is definitely up in the S tier fairy category, she's a real cutie :3

Nikern (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:16:05 Lucilya <3
2019-05-17 17:19:50 Lucilya <3

Lucilya <3


Outside of your main characters she has always been one of my favorites ^^ due to the way you designed her ;-) .


Agree with both Anonymous and Nanakra that this should have uvula play preferably with female prey rather than having the little human hold on to Lucilya's tongue. I would also (could be an alternative to the regular mawshot) zoom out the picture so more of Lucilya's sexy body like her breasts and maybe tummy (with female preys inside) is revealed. Would make the whole picture much more intense me thinks :O .


Yay for Lucilya! She looks really great here! So cute and cheery . . . yet quite terrifying, from this perspective, too. xD


I agree, I like how bold she can be once she decided she is going to eat a group of humans, making plans of action and all ^^