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Meet Black-hole chan !  That's right the picture we got a few months ago were really only her pupils ;3

I had to do something with her sooner or later, it kinds of begged for it XD  Not sure how many planets are being digested in that tummy but our planet Earth could proobably fits there quite well ^^;




heck yeeeeah, black-hole chan!

Taiki Sensei

Yes ! J'regrette pas de t'avoir fait cette suggestion ! ^w^

Zeo, the Loyal

Karbo, that's a black hole I wouldn't mind being pulled into 😉


Well the art quality here definitely is great. And gonna be great when it's finished. But there is so much meme potential missed here :O.


Franchement je pouvais pas faire autrement que de la prendre, l'occasion pour cette image était juste trop belle XD

Taiki Sensei

Mais mec, t'as trop eu raison ! Là, j'ai limite envie de faire une impression de la version finale pour l'encadrer chez oim' ! XD


Aww man, with all of these new characters you're just increasing the desire for potential comics.


On no! Look out Earth-Chan! Be careful not to get too close! xD While hilarious and pretty sexy, this one also looks incredibly striking and beautiful, with the that orange and yellow in her eyes and behind her. You might even say it's out of this world! xP


My job here is done then XD Seriously though it's a good thing, it means it will be really easy to expand on those pictures in the future :3


hehe thank you XD And yeah I had a lot of fun with the lighting here :)


Okay, sexy giantess Galactus. I can dig it. Imagining continents dissolving in her digestive acids, populations vanishing with each movement of her churning gut.