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The picture finished ! It was a suggestion by Taiki-sensei :3

I had a lot of fun with this one and drawing personificated planets and celestial bodies this way. And I'm pretty tempted to draw a sequence of what happens next XD Sure the Sun would be quite a big morsel buuuut somehow I feel that blackhole-chan would be up to the challenge X3

I'm also working on the inked Elorie page and I'm glad to say i'm almost finished  :)  I ended up adding two new pages compared to the story board ^^ You will see them very soon ! 




In the immortal words of Sheev Palpatine...


Very nice big belly ! How many prey ? Some prey was absorbs in boobs ?


In the immortal words of Sheev Palpatine...


Do it

Taiki Sensei

Comme par hasard, je regardais il y'a 2 jours le docu "16 Levers de Soleil" sur les 6 mois qu'a passé l'astronaute Thomas Pesquet dans l'ISS, et voilà que cette même station apparaît dans ce dessin ! XD Putain, ce draw est tellement parfait ! J'ai tellement envie de l'imprimer pour l'encadrer chez moi et de le mettre en fond d'écran de smartphone ! *w* C'est sans doute la meilleure idée que je t'ai jamais proposé ! (P.S. : Tu indiques plus en description de qui provient la suggestion ?) (P.S. 2 : Maintenant, j'ai en tête la chanson "Black Hole Sun" de Soundgarden en tête -_- xD)


Ops c'est rectifié ^^ Et content que ça te plaise ! j'uploaderais bientôt la version haute résolution et taille large ;D


probably impossible to count when you look at the size of a planet compared to her belly X3

Sasha Giarmoleo

Yes! Please focus more on her! There's so much potential and you would bring her justice 🙏


Sure... I want to be blackhole chan to know (and for this boobs)


Do it. She would be a spicy meatball for her. XD


Definitely agree with others that this could use a follow up. We can count it as practice for Meny's stomach in Succubi at Work :D

Kuja Kuzi

until science finds a way to collapse a black hole


What's going on? I am not getting emails about any Patreon posts anymore. I have the option checked. I assume no one has received an email from Patreon for awhile now?


I'd love to see how that celestial stomach looks on the inside! Great work!


Hah! I just noticed the exclamation marks on earth. Nice little detail, that.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Really lovely pic. Her having emitted a gamma ray burst with that burp would have been really cool, though. XD


I'm juat waiting for Vivian to tap black hole-chan on the shoulder. " excuse me? 'Greatest predator' that was my lunch you've eaten... I hope you have a way to make up for it..~"


that would make a mini giantess vore kind of sequence yeah ^^


The expressions of some of these planets makes me chuckle XD !!! It's like they don't care if they get eaten by Black-hole chan :D .


Yeah guessing its going to be an....interesting if quickly terrifying view throughout the whole process. At least they'll be able to see around them if she eats the sun though I don't know how comforting that would end up being XD