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Phew well here are the 15 pages  :)  I should have divided them as to reduce the wait ^^; 

So with that we have the whole comic inked :) What is left now is the dialogs and the panel organization ( when you put a panel on top of another for example )  It's a relatively quick process though. After that I'll post the entire thing so we can make a general recap and once everything is settled i'll put the colors :)

I hope you like it ! as always, your feedbacks are very welcome and appreciated ! ;3

 The  previous batch:  





Very cute! I like how these all look, especially all the internals X3 This should be something very special once it's all done!


The little neko sister is just the cutest x3

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Looking really good! Really love the internals! Why is it that there's clothes strewn across the ground on page 53? Also, I'm a bit confused on the last pages about what exactly is happening, though I imagine that getting the dialogue in will alleviate that confusion.


Fantastic. This is one of my favorite comics by you so seeing it get all sorted and closer to completion is great. I'd also find it amusing if later on they found a relic that made things bigger and used it on the guy but also accidentally Elorie got hit by it too. Regardless, good stuff as always.


I Love, Love, Love the digestion in this! It's still very soft, but its definitely shows that they are now being churned into nutrients.


Thank you :D as for the clothes it's because Elorie is talking about her parent who were caught in slime trail of a slug girl and eaten . It will indeed becomes a lot clearer with all the dialogs :3


Hehe who know, I'm pretty sure this is not the last we'll see of her ;D

Jenny Secret

She looks so cute, and gentle too. I love my gentles~


Wonderful! Everything looks so great, and the characters, especially Elorie, are so expressive! The bit where she's kicking the bug-creatures away is just so perfect! Adorable AND fierce! Fierce-ish. xD Elorie is easily the cutest catgirl in all of felarya. :D Except for maaaaybe her little sister. I guess it must run in the family.


Personally as long as it's not too explicit and gory I'm fine with that level of showing it ^^


hahaha thank you ! I had a grin on my face while i was drawing her in that panel XD

Semiaccurate Joe

This is already amazing in black n' white,I can't wait to see the finished product!


greatest job