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Well you're in Mia's belly ! 

The place is empty for now But you will have company very soon ( in the picture her device says she's full after all XP )  As you stand on the fleshy and spongy surface,  the real question become : are you going to be eventually let out of your "cell" the way you came in ? or is that rather ominous, tightly closed sphincter in the distance going to be your exit ? X3

I put some sounds you can hear, coming from the outside. I imagine they would be pretty faint and covered by more biological noises XP




I want my phonecall, I know my rights!


I'll try to escape from this prison. The great escape !


Can I choose to try bust out by the other sphincter?


Its rare I find myself wanting to be incarcerated. But this particular cell is...very very appealing X3


That's quite the unusual 'holding cell' she uses! But I suppose they don't have very many prisoners escaping or causing trouble, so it must be working perfectly, eh? x3


A very attractive stomach .... I want to be swallowed and digested!

Zapor 666

alwayse wonder how you draw insides. I mean it pretty detailed and cool looking~