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Gulp, gulp, welcome to the mighty Tigrex!  After the Jagras here are more of the giantess-ified monsters of MH  XP 

The Iceborne expansion certainly gave a ton of impulse to an already great game ^^  

Also confused cats :   how to cart hunters if hunters are nommed? X3





Oooooo super excited to see this idea continued, tigrex was a good choice, would love to see your take on one of the elder dragons eventually =P


'^ ' °^ ° *^ * Yus, this is excellent. We always need more of cute monster girls nomming people~ >.> <.< *cough*(Especially if people being nommed are equally cute gals)*cough*


As someone who plays alot of monster hunter world I approve of this lol 😂


Awesome! I just love these monster-girl version of the creature from MH! Her design is really excellent too! <3


Must you give me mixed emotions. On the one, great imagine, look forward to the finished result. On the other, Tigrex, my vowed archenemy since the PSP day's (of which playing World was the first time i'd played a MH game since PSP)


She's gorgeous <3 There really isn't enough MH vore in the world :)


I love this so much, Karbo! xD MHW is all I've been playing recently and Tigrex is one of those monsters I've been fighting a lot. :P


It's a very nice picture, so look forward to it!


Icebornes a fantastic expansion. Excluding Barioth, I've enjoyed every monster so far. Tis fun to see them turned into monster girls, they're pretty ripe for it haha.


Barioth is pretty brutal the first time you see it . Big spike in difficulty i think ^^


Hah, yeah and...I just didn't have a fun time even when I knew the trick to beating it easier. All the rest of the monsters are a riot though. Glavenus and Brachydios is a thing o beauty, and tigrex was a good time.