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The flat coloring of the picture in progress :D

poor confused palicos, there is nothing to cart here X3

I hope you guys are doing well. The world has been getting a little too crazy lately :/ In my place we're officially under quarantine which is a .. strange and unreal feeling to say the least.  Be safe all of you !




Hope your staying safe also!!!!!!!


More likely they are just waiting for them to come back out. Gonna be honest, the Monster Hunter’s monsters actually got me interested in the game. XD

Jay Safford

Stay safe Karbs!! :3


A good draw indeed, MHW monsters continue to make for good monstergirls. As for this virus stuff yeah, lotta stuff shutting down and we might see quarantine conditions soon enough. Really odd time right now, but we'll come out on the other side eventually.


tigrex is my favorite monster, so I can't wait for it!


Strange days indeed. I'm currently in quarantine with my parents, so I can help take care of them if need be. So far everyone remains fine, and my status as an internet-dwelling hermit, at least, has not been much changed. Having groceries delivered is weird though. ANYway, as always I just love the Monster(girl) Hunter World stuff. Seems like a subject rich in potential for this sort of thing! :3


Stay safe everyone ;D !!!


The designs in this game are all pretty fantastic yes, very good material for making monster girls XP


Yes being close to your family is really important in those moments :3 If not by space, by sentiments ^^


you too dude ! ;3 Hopefully we can beat this thing soon.