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A sketch for a commission ( last of my current list, once it's done I'll re-open them :3  )

Vivian usually capture her prey with her charm and magic and take her time before eating them while they are dazed. Buuuut sometimes she just feel ravenous and would rather just quickly gorge herself of squirming little treats. Now seem to be one of those days X3

And yeah after Crisis made the demonstration, tents definitely don't seem to be very safe in Felarya XP




Ah! You've done it again!!! Making me wish I was camped out right there with them... Such a beautiful pic!

Nanakra (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:03:48 Yush! Vivian is love <3 Been waiting on your commissions to open up too! ^^
2020-04-22 17:44:55 Yush! Vivian is love <3 Been waiting on your commissions to open up too! ^^

Yush! Vivian is love <3 Been waiting on your commissions to open up too! ^^


Fantastic! It’s great to see this other side of Vivian


As Crisis once said, “Yum! Packaged meals!”


Dang... Was there really that much people sleeping in single tent or did a that much people dived in for cover when they saw Vivian?

Taiki Sensei

Haha ! Le bon vieux gimmick de la tente qui devient de la nourriture en sachet ! XD


I like the verticality of this picture, sorta gives a good sense of the tinies journey down X3


Vivian is waifu


Why do people keep insisting on sleeping in snack packs.


Tents make a great package


Man thats some extremely gluttonous consumption. I can dig it for sure haha, its fun to see her squeezing out the last morsels at the end. Also that tent in the foreground is a nice..ominous touch X3


Seeing Vivian in a highly voracious state like that is a rare sight to behold indeed ^^ and I gotta say that I enjoy the view very much :3 .

Classical Salamander

So intense... or should I say, "in-tents"??? ;p Vivian deserves a good meal now and then, she's a hard-worker you know, keeping up all that magical whatnot and trying to get into the pants (or whatever) of all the other hot giantesses!


Reminds me of when I had the idea for you to make a short comic of her eating using her magic. I've developed a taste or preference for her to have them strip naked so she can fully enjoy them, but weather you choose to do that or not is up to you. PS. I sent you a note on diviantart about my post there but I don't know if you have seen it. My name is Thethirdd.


Thank you :)


hehe yes imagine being in the view of that guy who is exiting it X3


Might be hard to do anything but watch and drool, for me anyways XD


Beautiful! It's nice to see Vivian as the subject of another vore-centric picture! I do love good feasting . . . and the thing she's doing with that tent looks totally lewd . . . as expected from Vivian. :3 For all in-TENTS and purposes, she certainly seems to be relieving some TENTsion here, eh? Sorry for the CAMPy puns, I'll see myself out. ;P

Taiki Sensei

Tu parles de re-ouvrir les commissions prochainement. Ça se passera où ?


Why Karbo, this page looks like its right out of a tome! Very suspiscious.....🤨


Hey, I've been curious. What is the maximum effective range of Vivian's charm?