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here are the finished colored sketches of this month :)

-Inaba5cm wanted me to draw a continuation to Alice savoring Reimu and sloshing her in her mouth. Will she wants to go further with the teasing and gulps her down next? it's left for you to decide X3

- Gatekeeper asked for a rather naughty view of Chalyss, in the POV of a tiny held here. That's.. quite a view XD 

- Ecloure wanted to see a giant, humanized Alcremie in the process of eating another smaller one. Can't fault her for that, they do look pretty tasty :P

-And Lastly, dragon333 asked to see Miia in the process of removing some competition to Darling by simply swallowing them o.o bad snek, that's cheating ! XP

I hope you like them ! check the joint piece to see them at a larger size ;)




Man, that view of Chalyss is... really nice lol. Not sure if I’d ever want that view though.


These are all great! Very cute.


Some good draws and a bad noodle.


Gotta love Mia


I've been waiting for it to be finished! Smiling and tasting Reimu on the cheek, Alice is really cute and exciting! Combined with a thick and wide tongue, it's unbearable.


I really like that Chalyss sketch with that view and face. Her expression basically says "one way or another you're going inside my body, the only question is from which entrance!".

Classical Salamander

Beautiful ladies Karbo, Alice's mouth is so nicely done, and Chalyss' chalice is sweet! <3


i hope we see more of miia and the other monstergirls in your works.


That naga sure isn't too picky about her food. Seems like as long as you got the right size you're definitely going down that gullet :3 . Moreover hats off on that stomach cutaway view of hers °__^ . For it being a colored sketch my favorite view in vore including the naked female preys inside have some impressive amount of detail here :O .


I love the notion of my dessert transforming into a gigantic woman, who promptly eats me :-)


Hehe maybe, there are certainly a lot of things to do with these characters ;D


yeahh it's a nice view but perhaps a bit too close if you in this spot XP

Zapor 666

Touhou and Alcremie pretty fun i must say