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And here is Zycra's ^^

I suppose she is instantly recognizable by the angle alone XD ( she loves to stand upside down for some reasons )

It's still in progress though, when finished the lighting will be a lot smoother I think :3



Enigmatic Jester

Nice attention to detail with the floppy uvula.

turboman500 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 02:39:41 Absolutely stunning! You'd already been making marked improvements, but this one has gone even beyond that.
2016-01-08 14:14:10 Absolutely stunning! You'd already been making marked improvements, but this one has gone even beyond that.

Absolutely stunning! You'd already been making marked improvements, but this one has gone even beyond that.


Ohhh, this one is really especially striking I think! The upside-down-ness and tongue and everything are just perfect here.