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here are the finished colored sketches of this month with some hungry ladies ;3

-Soloplayer asked to see Melony just lying there and starting to digest her meal comprised of Gloria, Victor, and Marnie. Gym challenged failed !

- Miguel S wanted to see Giganta preparing to swallow Wonderwoman X3

-Missedit requested to see their three witch OC  Molly, Lillah, and Nina staring hungrily at the viewer. Probably a tiny intruder that might soon visit a tummy. The question is which one !

And lastly Konton asked to see a drawing of Vivian inviting another guest to her hotel buuut then letting out a sizable belch from a previous guests XD




Highlights of the week you uploading something to patreon rly makes up for my days since i lost my job. Awsome work again i love vivian one alot


It's so good! Thank you!


Glad you liked it ;D Check it again by the way, I uploaded a wrong version at first ( just some little tweaks on Vivian )


Ah damn, I'm sorry to hear that : / I hope you'll manage to get a new one soon.


Good stuff as always. The vivian one in particular is still funny to me, and honestly a fully fleshed out variant of that scenario is something amusing to ponder.

Señor Sanchez

Thank you Karbo, the Giganta picture is awesome! It is great to see your take on her.


They all look so good!


The bottom left is indeed very promising... :-)


indeed XD


Wonder woman have any chance to grabs giganta's uvula to no beeing swallowed?


I wonder if we will be able to see the full Vivian illustration;)


The witches sure are hot. I wonder in which tummy I would end up.