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A picture in progress ^^ In Negav, predation is officially forbidden but it doesn't mean it never happens from time to time ! That noble Neko leady is discretely savoring a little treat she found on her way, while she was hidden under her umbrella X3



Meddwynn Ravencroft

Micros, be they naturally small or shrunken, searching for help in Negav as they think they'll be safe, only to run into 'secret' predators like this neko and learn the deadly truth!


Heh. Even in the safest seeming areas there's always that undercurrent of danger I spose. Gotta keep on your toes.


Nice! She's really such a perfect combination of cultured and cheeky here! x3 Also, fun to see a neko in high-society getup like this - they often get associated with being wild and topless running around in Felayran jungles, but as whole species then naturally have individuals from all walks of life! :D

Classical Salamander

She's super cute, I bet I'm not the only one who's considering some *karmically appropriate* punishment for her crime!


Nice work! I like this idea where a noble and elegant lady secretly swallows her prey and pretends as if she did nothing wrong. I can't help imagining how the prey is brutally digested inside her stomach behind her gorgeous dress XD


hehe yeah I imagine those are pretty rare but they must exist too :D


Yeah I would imagine nekos remains potential predators even in settlements ^^