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Just a page of burps XD I already explained how important they were in vore in my opinion ^^  Either caused by the commotion of prey inside the stomach or just the result of a healthy digestion of said prey X3  And yes I realized afterward I should definitely have included Menyssan here ! 

Also it seems the ganguro's name is going to be Natsumi after all ;3 




Love it! It’s great to see Bella again 🥰


Burps are the best. I hope to see much more of the ganguro and her friends in the near future~<3


I love how those adventurers are trying to make Melany throw them up but she is just burping their struggling away in satisfaction! mmmmmmm


Ooooo this all really really cute! Good burb always a good sign if a happy digestive system at work =3

Hugh Mungus

This is great!


Definitely needs Meny. :3


Vibrating uvulas are the best part of vore :3

Joshua Brookhouse

Burps enhance vore so much in my opinion! ❤️


I rather like burps as well, yeah. Specially when theres prey in there its just a fun visual and amusing sound. Something I'd like to toy with eventually. Underwater burps too maybe 😏


I enjoy both burps and hiccups. They're fantastic and satisfying


Oh man, is that Anna at the bottom? I'd absolutely love to see some more vore art of her


Ooo is that the small harpy after getting the naga down? Or another human? Fantastic work as always! :3


So cute!


Love all the different facial expressions going on here. Is Crisis's burp musical? Haha

Rem Buchard

God I’m so happy right now, I love your world and all your stuff but I always cross my fingers for burps when I see a notification from you :3


Burp...and fart too :3 ❤ Do you think to introduce in your future's draws fart ? It is a result of the digestive system , i hope that this will can be possible ahah


I'm partial to Natsumi here, maybe because she's giving us the best view? Though the "UOOOOOORPS" girl is very hot too (not sure of her name). BTW, are you considering any future AV comics? Because if so, Natsumi could be hot, or the cheeky pink kitty from a while back...She seems mischievous enough to be capable of it...


yup they're mostly providing a nice internal massage X3

Enigmatic Jester

Always love a good burp. I'd like to see more of prey specifically getting burped on - the rush of air, the sense of disgust, projectile saliva splashing on to them. And imagine how loud that would be if the prey was already inside their mouth!


I've come to appreciate this element more and more over the years. Something about the the way it emphasizes the satisfied finality of the full predator . . . <3


Burps are always highly enjoyable in a Karbo vore picture (especially if there are lots of preys in the tummy of the predator as with Melany here :3 ) and while not my favorite aspect of vore have definitely grown a LOT on me over the years ^^ .


to be honest I doubt it ^^; It's something I'm not really comfortable with..


I know right ! There is really something about how it express either the contentment or casualness of the pred in contrast with that of the prey inside her I think :D


Nice Burp !


Always love to see giantesses burping, especially if they do so on their prey before eating.

Gepfu Geppu

I always wanted to see Anna burp! She looks embarrassed but I’m sure it felt good for her to let out! Thank you for drawing this masterpiece! 😍😍😍😍❤️