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As I see it there are mostly two kind of mawshots :3

the ones focusing entirely on the mouth of the pred, and the ones showing the faces and the eyes of the pred.

And there is quite a lot of difference between the two in my opinion.

-In a mawshot where you see the face of the predator, you can convey her feeling, how she feels about eating "you".  There is a portrait aspect that can tell a nice little story ^^  

-In a mawshot focused entirely on the mouth you get an interesting effect where the predator is no longer like a character and entirely defined by that mouth you see. It makes the picture feels a lot more predatory and intense and also allow some really detailed throat and fleshy textures X3

Personally I like both equally, I feel the two have their own specific qualities. I'm curious how do you guys feel about those two types ? :3 

Speaking about that, I'm about done with Crisis' mawshot XP   this one is going to be a mouth-focused painted type. Although I'll do some more full faced ones afterward  ( I try to alternate a bit between both ;3 ) 



They're both really great in their own way but personally I prefer the type where you can see the face of the predator. Seeing their expression is a great way of figuring out why they want to eat you, be it for hunger, cruelty, excitement, or something else. For me the interaction between a predator and their prey is one of the biggest reasons I'm into vore. I will say that the mawshots focused entirely on the mouth tend to have a more striking and artistic vibe to them which is less 'hot' to me but fun in a different way.


Both are pretty fun really I think heh. Seeing the expression can be quite nice like in Pipril's for that intensity, but it can be very fun too focused on that predatory aspect when you can guess the pred's face already too hehe. Like Liora's even though we can't see beyond her mouth it is pretty easy to piece together, but you feel a lot more of her hunger for you right there with that big focus XD. Really both are nice!


I love to see the faces 2gether with the mawshot~ You can see the expression the pred have and I kinda also like to see the nose of the pred lol

The Incostian King

I like both but have more preference towards seeing the face, it adds a more personal touch when able to see the intentions in their eyes.


Both are good but I like to see the face

Death_Trance (edited)

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2021-08-01 00:55:41 Both are great, but I especially love seeing the pred's eyes and face right before being swallowed down! :D
2021-04-17 18:27:28 Both are great, but I especially love seeing the pred's eyes and face right before being swallowed down! :D

Both are great, but I especially love seeing the pred's eyes and face right before being swallowed down! :D


I think I have to agree that while I do enjoy a close up maw shot now and then, I mostly prefer to see a face with it. Helps give it more of a story and background. But I do agree it's nice to get up close and personal too!


Face is hotter imo

Mae Adeline

Big preference on whole face


I enjoy them both. Mawshots in which the face is visible work really well as a standalone art pieces. They do a better job at expressing the character like you said. But at the same time, I feel they start to lose that immersive experience as the character becomes more of a focus. Mouth-only mawshots work better when there's context as to who the character is, such as a panel preceding it showing the predator. I feel it's more of an immersive experience, and it works really well with first-person, POV scenarios. Perfect for the final panel of a first-person comic in which the viewer is the prey. My favorite is when both are indeed used in sequence for a POV scene. You start off seeing most of her body, and as she brings you closer to her maw, less and less of her is visible until you can only see her mouth. Then with you inside, on her tongue, it all fades to black as you're gulped down.


Whole face is best ❤️ because it tells a much better story Agree with Figlit above, the two styles work great when combined in the same sequence


I prefer to see the face, at least the eyes.


Whole face


Both are really good but I prefer the mouth itself but I’m not opposed to the whole face


Depends on me mood. Both are good, but there is a nice aspect to the mouth only-it focuses your view in on the mouth, the back of the throat, the uvula and tongue....its just lovely (and its what I got first of my main girl lol). Still the face is good too, gives you a sense of their personality, and adds the pred more into the equation in terms of who they are versus what they are P: I think the mouth probably wins out for me ever so slightly-the extra details you get with a larger shot of the mouth are just lovely, appealing as that particular part of a pred is lol, but I really like both.


Lots of opinions here, mine is that I prefer the full face as like you had said it shows how the pred is feeling about eating you and in addition makes the "moment" before your demise more intimate. On a personal note, the full face also allows for a demeaning feeling when the pred looks bored, or mean leading to you feeling even smaller than just your diminutive size.


I agree that both are great, but I personally like those that include the pred’s faces. I like seeing their expressions

turboman500 (edited)

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2021-08-01 00:55:38 Personally, I like both. That said I think when you can see the face, it’s the eyes in conjunction with the mouth that really tell the story. General expression can also tell quite abit more. I tend to think what really separates mawshots from each other boils down to physical differences. Like, Libra’s mouth for instance, is terrifying because of her teeth, where as there’s little difference between a lot of the ladie’s “portal to the void” - other than their color. At that point, things like how much they do or don’t salivate can really add a lot of effect/mood to the image. When you draw mawshots that are more “alien” then the most alone really comes alive more so than with the rest of the face ( usually very beautiful) to distract you. For example: Khanna is a succubus, like the rest, but because she’s a different type, it means her mouth is a different color, her saliva glows, and there is something at the back of her throat that may or may not be reaching out of the darkness to grab you.. her mouth alone would be enough to convey some serious feelings. Where as, with Crisis or Anna specifically, you definitely gain ALOT from being able to see their faces, because their personalities are so vibrant and different from one another.
2021-04-17 21:41:29 Personally, I like both. That said I think when you can see the face, it’s the eyes in conjunction with the mouth that really tell the story. General expression can also tell quite abit more. I tend to think what really separates mawshots from each other boils down to physical differences. Like, Libra’s mouth for instance, is terrifying because of her teeth, where as there’s little difference between a lot of the ladie’s “portal to the void” - other than their color. At that point, things like how much they do or don’t salivate can really add a lot of effect/mood to the image. When you draw mawshots that are more “alien” then the most alone really comes alive more so than with the rest of the face ( usually very beautiful) to distract you. For example: Khanna is a succubus, like the rest, but because she’s a different type, it means her mouth is a different color, her saliva glows, and there is something at the back of her throat that may or may not be reaching out of the darkness to grab you.. her mouth alone would be enough to convey some serious feelings. Where as, with Crisis or Anna specifically, you definitely gain ALOT from being able to see their faces, because their personalities are so vibrant and different from one another.

Personally, I like both. That said I think when you can see the face, it’s the eyes in conjunction with the mouth that really tell the story. General expression can also tell quite abit more. I tend to think what really separates mawshots from each other boils down to physical differences. Like, Libra’s mouth for instance, is terrifying because of her teeth, where as there’s little difference between a lot of the ladie’s “portal to the void” - other than their color. At that point, things like how much they do or don’t salivate can really add a lot of effect/mood to the image. When you draw mawshots that are more “alien” then the most alone really comes alive more so than with the rest of the face ( usually very beautiful) to distract you. For example: Khanna is a succubus, like the rest, but because she’s a different type, it means her mouth is a different color, her saliva glows, and there is something at the back of her throat that may or may not be reaching out of the darkness to grab you.. her mouth alone would be enough to convey some serious feelings. Where as, with Crisis or Anna specifically, you definitely gain ALOT from being able to see their faces, because their personalities are so vibrant and different from one another.

Jayix Chezro

Honestly I feel the exact same Personally I like the full face Mawshots because of the emotion displayed and just seeing all of them overall and not just the mouth ❤️


I like them both almost equally, but I have a slight affinity for the whole face mawshot. Ideally IMHO, we would have the full face mawshot, and then the mouth only shot- though I suppose I could get that anyway by cropping.

Semiaccurate Joe

I honestly love both! I'm just happy to see some more maws haha.

Nick2802 (edited)

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2021-08-01 00:55:37 I know that my comment before is a contributing factor to why we are having this conversation and part of me is like "far be it from me to tell you how to do your art." I have been on your patreon since it opened and have an obvious love for your work . However I think the characterization of the maw shots is supremely better with, at least in a single panel illustration, the predator's whole face. I just looked though them all again and the two that I love most are Plum and Bella. Even Crisis has one where her face has so much to express that is in line with how I know she behaves. I was disappointed when Anna, Milly, and Subby didn't get the same treatment. So I am not going to toe the line and say "I like both equally". I think one is far better and I know you wouldn't ask if you didn't want our opinion
2021-04-17 23:35:22 I know that my comment before is a contributing factor to why we are having this conversation and part of me is like "far be it from me to tell you how to do your art." I have been on your patreon since it opened and have an obvious love for your work . However I think the characterization of the maw shots is supremely better with, at least in a single panel illustration, the predator's whole face. I just looked though them all again and the two that I love most are Plum and Bella. Even Crisis has one where her face has so much to express that is in line with how I know she behaves. I was disappointed when Anna, Milly, and Subby didn't get the same treatment. So I am not going to toe the line and say "I like both equally". I think one is far better and I know you wouldn't ask if you didn't want our opinion

I know that my comment before is a contributing factor to why we are having this conversation and part of me is like "far be it from me to tell you how to do your art." I have been on your patreon since it opened and have an obvious love for your work . However I think the characterization of the maw shots is supremely better with, at least in a single panel illustration, the predator's whole face. I just looked though them all again and the two that I love most are Plum and Bella. Even Crisis has one where her face has so much to express that is in line with how I know she behaves. I was disappointed when Anna, Milly, and Subby didn't get the same treatment. So I am not going to toe the line and say "I like both equally". I think one is far better and I know you wouldn't ask if you didn't want our opinion


Honestly I like the full-faced ones best. I like seeing the expression of the pred and it feels more personal. I like seeing more of character too. To this day some of my favorite mawshots you did were the ones of caylin and tinatalan.


Mawshots with a prey grabbing the uvula are the best option!!


I like both full faced and mouth-only mawshots but I do prefer full-face because I like to see the pred's expression when she's about to eat the prey

Coty Clogston (Ticklefish. ItsMe)

What about the mawshots where you're viewing outside the mouth and you see the landscape you're about to no longer be apart of? Or someone watching you in horror and in passion?


Full face!

Toast Baron

I prefer full face. The intent and the emotions behind it are an important part of that predatory feeling.


I like bit more when you can still see her face


I like both ideas and I'm not sure which one I like better, but I personally prefer the one showing the mouth in close-up.

Classical Salamander (edited)

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2021-08-01 00:55:34 I do appreciate both, but I really LOVE the mouth-focused pieces... I'm in it for the soft slimy pink bits between the lips (either set of lips, I'm not picky)! <3
2021-04-18 17:57:14 I do appreciate both, but I really LOVE the mouth-focused pieces... I'm in it for the soft slimy pink bits between the lips (either set of lips, I'm not picky)! <3

I do appreciate both, but I really LOVE the mouth-focused pieces... I'm in it for the soft slimy pink bits between the lips (either set of lips, I'm not picky)! <3


I've always preferred whole-face mawshots. I think the biggest disadvantage most of your mouth-only mawshots have in comparison to whole-face is that they don't contain the scenario. The subject of the painting could be visiting the dentist, or yawning, or stretching their jaw, with nothing to really indicate anything vore related is occurring. It's in essence a painting of a mouth, which for me means its no more enticing than any picture of a female mouth I can google online. I've even seen people and youtubers back over at the normal side of the internet use your mouth-onlys without even realizing they are vore related (for example they are among the first results when googling "anime open mouth" or "ahegao mouth"). Of course this applies only to the mawshots that contain an open mouth and nothing else, like the ones with Anna, Milly, Leora, Subeta etc. For me, adding a clear vore element like a prey in the mouth or the limbs of the viewer about to be eaten will make such shots much better, an example being your old "Cliffhanger" Belletia mawshot. I think these types of shots are also the most successful at selling the more primal nature of the pred and their existence more as a force of nature and a portent of inevitable doom than as a character, which is the main advantage of mouth-only mawshots. However even with such additions I personally still tend to prefer whole face mawshots simply because they can contain more. The eyes mentioned many times in the comments are a given, in particular since they alone can convey the nature of the scenario, the intention of the pred and the relationship between the pred and the prey. But its not just that. The background and setting now visible when the painting is more zoomed out allow for more nuance and creativity - Crisis finding you hiding between vines, Plum flinging you in the air, Lucila lying leisurely while a prey struggles in her mouth, etc. I think zooming out makes it easier to make each mawshot unique with an interesting scenario. For all these reasons my favorite mawshots of yours to date are your old Caylin and Tina maw shots. They mix the advantages I mentioned of the whole-face mawshots while having the more realistic leaning art style usually reserved for your mouth-onlys, and the visible arms and legs of the viewer add both immersion and a sense of scale (also those indifferent predatory eyes, god damn). Well this comment ended up much longer than I expected, sorry about that O_O. I think my main point is that although I (and, it seems, the majority of patrons) tend to prefer whole-face mawshots, adding something extra to make your mouth-onlys more than just open mouths would make them leagues better, and combined with your stellar ability to draw the details when the mouth is more focused, they would become on par with whole-face mawshots, even in my book.


I prefer mawshots with the whole face.


Oh I don't really call those mawshots but yes they're really good as well ^^


you're right it's a lot a question of mood for me as well :3


mhh yes that's a good point here. It depends a lot of what you want to tell ^^


you're not wrong here indeed , the two in fact complete themselves well ^^


Oh no problem, I totally understand why you would prefer face mawshots :3


I agree that mawshots without a face is more immersive, as you are set as the actor of the scene. But i like the narrative that can be revealed in a subtle detail if part of the face can shown. I find immersive also the reverse view, whereas the prey is going in feet first but looking out... You get to see the inside of the maw but also, the settings outside, maybe an onlooker, or, adding a mirror, you get to also see the face of the pred. I don't know if these views are more difficult to achieve though...