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The (almost ) finished picture ^^   I wanted to have an atmosphere of a warm afternoon here :3 I might use some blur on Cylin and the background to add a sense fo depth and focus on the walking man ^^

And yeah being drunk in the middle of the jungle is kind of asking for troubles XD

Also I'm on the POV comic right now ( in fact I just paused in the middle to finish and post that picture XD ) . It should be finished very soon ;3




Hé hé je me demande si le terme"lunging "n'est pas un poil excessif, on dirait plutôt qu'elle va le cueillir comme une fleur... :-)


bad idea for him but I think Cylin disagrees.

David Dent

Ohhh this picture! You finally added the 'Karbo filter' you give to it adding that crazy awesome level of depth. Hmmm kinda wish you'd have done this yesterday or the day before though! I was needing something with shading from th front as an example. ^^; Oh and gotta say not seen many drunks read a book. O.o What's the title I wonder?


Too bad this giant kitty really is there and not part of his imagination from drinking too much :D . Oh well........... ^^;


love that boob squish!


She just looks so sneaky and sexy in that pose! :3 Loving the heck out of this one still. I do wander what he's reading though . . . 'Drunken Adventuring for Dummies'? ;P


Yes If you start to see giant kitty after drinking , generally it's a bad sign XD


Oui là c'est vrai qu'elle va sans doute pas faire beaucoup d'efforts XD

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

I feel like this is the pic before melony has that fairy poacher when caylin booty bumps her XD. I'd figure he's a lil intoxicating.