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The picture in color :)   

They attacked Temi in her bath and it was a foolish move ! It seems they now earned themselves a trip inside the fairy's gorgeous body.

I put a version with the stomach cutaway visible in the attachment .

EDIT : I added the more blue-ish version as well just because ^^




It looks very nice. It almost feels like I'm there.


Great work as always. I like how you do cute little pubic hair patches!

Viktor Blomqvist

I wanna take a bath in her belly 🥰


Goddamn that is good. The shading and coloring is great, conveyance of her size and the view into her mouth are lovely and I really like how you can tell she was just taking a bath because of how wet she is. Good stuff good stufff.


I wish I could win a trip inside her

Hawk Eye



I like how Well you can draw woman private parts... But then Again you can draw mouth head body so nicely they are never boring watch

Taiki Sensei

Les couleurs sur cette version finale ... Parfait. 👌


Oh my!


The whole colouring for this piece is really gorgeous.


Unusual yet striking usage of both colors and lighting on this one. Me really like :D Moreover the transparent look on both preys due to their clothes being soaking wet is actually a really nice idea and a good compromise plus it fits in quite well with Temi's wet look to me (totally nude female preys still remain my favorite though ;D ) . Only thing I would add for the cutaway version on the high resolution releases is some saliva strings/more wetness inside Temi's belly as it looks a little dry to me there ^^; All in all superb work on this piece of art once again °__^


You really outdid yourself on this one - amazing color and lighting!


attacking a pixy seems like suicide

Renegade Pizza Guy

Man. This entire piece is 11/10 top to bottom