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A WIP of a picture I'm doing for a commission :3 ( yes from the new batch ^^  )  

We see Elyra who probably got attracted by the light from a submarine, went to investigate and then decided to have herself a snack !




Enjoyable scenario

Jacob Jordan

I wouldn’t mind exploring this tunnel!

Meddwynn Ravencroft

I have to wonder how long it would take for her to digest a sub. And if the sub has external lights allowing those inside to see her stomach.

Killbot 7783

Very nice eel, and very good job Karbo! *Gives head pats*


Do you plan on taking commissions again, and if so, when?


I wonder if they would be able to make it through if they stay in the submarine?


ooh I like this whole concept.


given her size i'm thinking it wouldn't be too hard for her ^^

Señor Sanchez

The Hunt for Red October is a lot sexier than I remember.

CEO of Depression

when do you think you'll open commissions again?