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Something I sketched a while ago. It's going to be another of those big vertical picture where you let your eyes wander from one side to another ^^ Neeras are clearly at the bottom of the food chain in Felarya but that doesn't mean they can't build some relatively comfortable and safe settlements  :3



Todd Hunter

Awesome! Can't wait to see it when it's finished.


At first glance it looks like a stomach. But now I want to imagine this is a symbiotic village that lives inside the stomach of a giant pred.

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

i love it when you world build! Would be funny to have a documentery series like this too lol "Ah the timid neera, a close relative of the tomthumb. An anxious creature by nature. They build large settlements underground to protect them from the hostility of the jungle above."

Solace Chaostra

I scrolled down dreading the end of the image and it just kept going :) Love the scale of how much you see!


Ohh man I can't tell you how much I love this! When I first started drawing this kind of material this is all I wanted to do create and explore places like this, thanks for posting this one!

Able 34 Bravo

*nekkos have entered the chat*


Wow it looks so neat for exploring, would love to visit! Can't wait to see it in color <3


Ohhh, I love how this one's coming along! The way the natural wood and plant matter merges with the neera settlement structures and stuff is really satisfying!


Oh.. i didn't made the link but now that you say it there is something haha XD


Thanks ! yeah I love this kind of pictures, you can fin some crazy ones that tells stories just by themselves ^^


Looks wonderful. Excited for the colored version

Aborigen GTS

Gorgeous details! This looks truly exciting.