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Just a few months ago no one would have ever seen us hold hands. Straight guys don’t do that. Now it just seems like the proper affection to show my bestie. It started when my cousin criticized my choices of hobbies. Apparently playing video games and spending a lot of time learning AI wasn’t considered a proper hobby in her eyes who said when she was my age, she was active in gymnastics, ballet, and studying art history.

She suggested I look into at least one of her interests but I dismissed them as being too girly or boring. That’s when she started intimidating me saying I would never amount to anything and no one would want to be with me. She dared me to just give gymnastics a try. The last time I had even done anything similar was jumping around on those colored pads back in elementary school. It would be weird going to the local gymnastics place alone as a male. That’s when she suggested I sign up as a girl and maybe take a friend with me! To prove that I could do it, I agreed to give it a try for four weeks and recruited my friend, Sean, to go with me since he was on the shorter side and could probably pass as a girl with a little makeup and shaving in some places.

Never before would I imagine it being so fun to tumble and move my body in ways I never imagined. The other girls in the group had no idea we really had pen*ses under the leotards. A good tuck kit was necessary! I had to learn to smile more, raise the pitch of my voice, and act like one of the girls in order to avoid suspicion. My cousin recommended taking some estrogen pills to help will out our bo0bs and hips a bit saying that if we stopped we could just return back to normal when we wanted.

But I don’t think that’s going to happen. My cousin was right in that gymnastics has happened us improve our lives and find happiness. We love doing our hair and makeup now and maybe it’s the estrogen but have talked about starting to date boys.




They make a great team! Maybe the cousin can help them join the official team!