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Hey, hello there, awesome patron!

Quick update here. So, as I said yesterday, I wanted to draw all the sketches for RUBY's transformation this weekend. Don't worry, I'm on it, nothing has changed about that! xD

The issue is pretty simple: Today, when I turned on the computer, I had a crash message. Apparently it shut down incorrectly, but that happens from time to time, so I didn't give it importance. The strangest thing was that, when it booted up and I got to the desktop... It started installing all my hard disk drives again.

Yep, true story. I have four of them; I had to afford more space for all the drawings I make for you! And here is the problem: After re-installing the hard disk drives... ALL*  my custom pencils, inkers, brushes, airbrushes... ALL OF THEM*, they were removed. I mean, all my files we're there, I just had issues with some software.

Yeah, and that's quite a problem for drawing, because I like to custom all my drawing stuff, if you've been following my work you'll know that I like to try variety stuff, and if don't have THAT pencil that I customized for some specific type of drawing... It's a bother, really xD

So, I'm right now actually working to recover all my stuff. I'm doing kinda a detective work, here going through my old drawings, checking old screenshots, just to be able to "recreate" some pencils that I really like.

I'm relieved that now you know about this! Since you're pledging on my Patreon, you should know about this, you deserve and have to be informed on every move related to my art here, and I really want to make sure of that. Besides, so many people just joined in on the last day! So this was even MORE necessary! And of course I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH for your pledges. Really, this is no joke, thanks to all of you I can keep drawing this stuff, you're the best... You're just the best

Now, most important, about the updates, nothing is gonna change for now! Tomorrow I'll keep working on having my work space and my tools on CSP back, and I'll rush (in a good sense) those sketches trying to be in time between tomorrow and Monday.

Yet again, sorry for the inconvenience, thanks for being there, and my apologies for the wall of text



Take your time to recover everything. I had something like this for my assets too a few days ago :D


Aww, did something like this happen to you as well, Minu? Sorry to read about that, it's really a bother when something like this happen... It makes me feel like my own PC it's playing a joke on me xD And thanks! I'm still working on recovering everything, but I'll manage, and I'm sure that in the end I'll come up with even better tools!