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Now things are getting more and more wild...! ;3

And just like that, here we have the second version of this lovely and hot sketch! In this version of this scene, we see the girl also on all fours, transforming in the middle of this beautiful mountain under the light of the full moon, pretty classic werewolf transformation stuff! What differentiates this version from the previous one is, in addition to not wearing any clothes, it's the attitude of the girl, like, in the first version, somehow, she seemed to still be trying to control herself, whereas here, she's already starting to let herself go, almost enjoying herself in the heat of the transformation, enjoying her most primal and wild animal instincts...!

Somehow we could think that this version follows directly from the previous one, and she herself took off her clothes in the heat of the moment, which leads us directly to the third version...! ;)



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