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Turn into a monster, you say...? Come on, miss! I'm sure the costume will look fabulous on you! :D

What at first started with a little bit of fur on her shoulders and little else, has ended up becoming a whole transformation scene...! Now she has grown way more fur, her muzzle is already growing, her nose is starting to change as well, her ears are chaging as too into a wolf like shape, her teeth are turning into fangs, her nails are turning into claws... And there's a suspicious bulge that's starting to grow in the back, just above her butt... And it looks like it's making those jeans feel pretty tight, so whatever it is, it better get out of those jeans soon enough...! Already, everybody, here we have the finished version of this pinup, the fourth of this series! Now with the sexy shading, fancy details, juicy highlights, the usual background and the spicy dialogue! ;3

So, the transformation has already begun to fully unfold, and I'm sure it won't take us long to see how the "complete costume" looks on this girl...! But how about in the meantime, we take a look at how this sequence is looking so far...? 



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