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So, this sure must be the true power of the Aegis...!

And that power is the... The ability to transform in a super sensual and erotic way into a super sexy and hot werecat...! Or well, you know, maybe it's just the ability to transform in general... Well! In any case, hey! Here we finally have the final version of this cute and lovely sketch, now with the sweet shading, the fancy details, the juicy highlights and all the usual sexy stuff! And as you can see, for this specific sketch, I've been testing certain image adjustments and retouches to achieve a particular look, in some way I wanted it to look something special since, well... It is a very powerful Blade from the Xenoblade universe! But no worries at all, because there's the classic black and white version to enjoy as well! That, and the rest of the sexy WIPs as usual, of course! ;D

Now, I'd like to add a spicy meme from the game to finish this post so... "Don't forget me!" ;P




Love seeing Pyra getting some furry TF attention! Does this mean we’ll see a Dog Mythra next? :0


Hehehe, I'm really glad that you like it, KDhynamo! :D You know, in fact... This sketch has been possible thanks to you! Checking the requests I have on my list, I saw that you named both Pyra and Mythra, so... Who knows, we might see a doggy version of Mythra around here very soon ;3