[PINUP] A New Test Subject... (Patreon)
"That's right! This is the ultimate life form... Adacat...!"
You know that iconic scene from the first Resident Evil game where Wesker shows his most precious creation to Chris, and then Chris just goes and laughs in his face, hurting Wesker's feelings...? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that this whole thing of transforming each character into a hot and sexy furry version of themselves is part of a secret plan by Wesker to get Chris's approval... Yep, that's all Resident Evil is about, trust me, I've played the games...! Alright so, silly intros aside, hey! We got it, here we finally have it, this is the final version of this super sexy TF pinup! Now with the fancy lightning, juicy highlights, and the background lab to really set the mood of the scene! ;D
So...! We've seen Rebecca turning into a werecat, Jill turning into a werewolf, Ashley turning into a weremouse, and there's also a TF pinup featuring Claire that we saw a few years ago... You know, I think that we could see a new version of that, or maybe we could bring new characters to this TF party...! ;3