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A little warm-up featuring the Legacy of Gold girls in a "classic" pose, lol. Originally, the concept was just to have Lucky (left) and Ashe (right) doing the pose while Kira (center) "judges" them...

But it would have literally been a sin to NOT have them peeing from THAT angle! :3

Thus, "pee-pee-pants" and "geyser-girl" versions were mandatory! XD

All of these girls are EtchyCat's OCs!




Jailor Eckman art without pee would be like an angel without wings

Eleanor Bartle

I'm no expert in balpisstics (yet to install a vagina of my own), but this seems an unrealistic jet angle. I know the urethra points down when standing up, but my understanding is it bends _with_ the legs when kneeling. At most, I've seen a _slight_ backwards trajectory, even directly at the opening.