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Regarding you being surprised about the opening… wait for the opening for the second part of season 3! It goes nuts!! Regarding your statement of Eren bitting the glass… well, sure the feeling of bitting/chewing glass cannot be pleasant at all, but you know… the truth of eating your own father change your perspective of what is weird to bite or chew 😹😹


Hey PD, just want to let you know that in EP 49 (aka season 3 ep 12) there is a post-credit scene after the ending song. So make sure to watch the ending too!


I would say that when a person is transformed into a mindless titan, they are not in the nape physically as in case or Titan Shifters. It is more like their whole body changes into the titan form and their mind is located in the nape and in case they eat a Titan Shifter, thanks to the consciousness in the nape, they are able to transform back to a human-like form