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Megan Wall

You have absolutely no idea how long I have waited for you to watch this show. It’s one of my favourite kdramas ever. I’m honestly so happy I could cry and I have no idea why. I just love your thoughts on shows and also sometimes when the subs are wrong or off you tell us and I love that as well. Thank you so much for watching this show. Commenting this before seeing your actual reaction to this episode but Choi hyunwook is such a good actor I really do love his role in this show and every role I’ve seen him in so far. I think he can really go far as an actor he’s amazing.

Alisha Hol

I loved that you didn’t know anything about the show going in so it just made your reaction so genuine and raw and fun lmao 😂


I was so happy to see you were reacting to this and then in ep 1 seeing that you had no idea what this show was about, I was waiting for your reaction to ep2 ending and it was perfect lmao

Luxia Scarlet

I was waiting for that reaction lol


Seeing you mind blown over the twist was so fun haha. This drama is so clever in the way they hide details that then have huge payoffs later. It makes rewatching it so fun because after knowing the full context, you realize the clues are so in your face that you can't believe you didn't catch on earlier


THIS REACTION IS EVERYTHING OMG HAHAHA. AIN'T NO WAY. When I saw the dots connecting in your face at the very end I completely lost it. That was amazing


This show is so good, I wish I could forget everything just to feel the emotions again!! It has become my favourite drama and my comfort show, there is no useless episode, good twists, good characters that you feel attached to, good balance between deep and light moments, just perfect! And it's so enjoyable to rewatch it with your insight on korean culture and language for things that we can't always perceive, thank you for you reaction and enjoy!


https://goplay.su has more accurate subs for the drama. The token is GOPLAY2024


Not me having already seen the show but still crying at him getting the guitar... :'(


Your reaction was priceless lmao


LMAOO your reaction was amazing

Daniela Madrid

I'm just loving the reactions PD! I can't wait for more. The show just gets better and better!!


your reaction is priceless😭 this show is too good i wish i could forget it and watch it all over again


I'm so happy you are reacting to this masterpiece!!


PD guess which production company worked on this 🤭. You'll see the name written in Korean after the opening theme song.

Aubrey L

This became one of my favorite shows the instant I watched it. So glad you’re watching it and I can’t wait to rewatch all the episodes with you. Such a funny, healing, and well done show. I loved when the twist hit you. Looking forward to the next episodes!


I don't think you noticed but at the beginning of the episode Yoon Dongjin gave an interview and mentioned the first band that he was in and then at the end Ha Leechan introduced himself as the frontman of that very band, just thougt that was interesting.

Elise H. (XxXIllegirlARMYXxX)

OMG the previous version of this site went down (a while ago) and I couldn't find it anymore. I was so sad I couldn't finish what I was watching (since it wasn't available elsewhere). Thank youuuu ❤


You can follow them on their Discord. They keep you posted on any server changes


fun fact: The actor Ryeoun is actually really good friends with Stray Kids Lee Know :D He said in an interview he met Lee Know during a meal & they often work out together 😁


I'm soooo glad you are watching this and I got into Patreon again to rewatch with you. Can't wait for episode 3!!


Rewatching your Thinking Watermelon reactions because this was the most iconic reactions youve had, imo. 🤗 truly priceless and it's such a fun thing to watch! I was that way too, I feel like 🤭

BaoziBang (Tali)

I always forget Heejun from KNK is in this Show 🤣