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Megan Wall

Yessss I’ve been waiting for this episode to drop the whole day. Cant wait for you to love everyone in this show and figure out things. It’ll be so fun. This show is so good. Back after I’ve watched the reaction and I agree Choi hyunwook is such a good actor and when he moves around like looney he really nails it so well, like in that scene when he ran from the teacher. The mum being cheongah made so much sense to me when they cut to her face after yichan and eungyeol are arguing about sekyeong and cheongah haha. And I agree they casted her so well that she looks so much like the older brother. I have so many favourite episodes for this show it’s insane. They make you second guess yourself a lot in this show and it’s insane. When you think you’ve got it you actually don’t and another curve ball comes your way. I also love that you like the main talker of that trio of band members that yichan wanted to have in his band. I also really like his character in this show and can’t wait to see you love him more in future episodes. They’re all awesome though in that band. It’s so fun to rewatch it all with you as well.


Well, he is a genius level boy, so it's normal for him to be adaptive :D But still calling a teenager girl "Ahjumma" is a bold choice he did :D


did you know that this is also produced by studio dragon?:D thought you might be interested in this fact thank you for this reaction! can't wait for the next ep!


I was waiting for your reaction all week! The show only gets better from here 😌


It was so interesting how Eungyeol spends so little time disbelieving that he's in the past, and immediately realizes he misses his family and was so caught up in his own problems that he couldn't appreciate them enough in the present. That kind of realization was so quick for him (whereas a lot of shows would put those kinds realizations much further in)!!! I think despite all of his mistakes and hardships, Eungyeol is a character that is really smart, intuitive, and in touch with his emotions. I really love that about him.


Correction: maybe BECAUSE of his mistakes and hardships, Eungyeol became this smart, intuitive, and in touch with his emotions. They're how we learn and become who we are.


wondering when ep 4 will be unlocked? it has alr been so many days :(((


the actress who plays Cheongha actually reminds me a lot of Sieun from StayC, i think they look alike a lot