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Masa Almasri

i started watching this Drama with you and this is the longest time i have taken to watch a really gooood kdrama HAHAHAHAHAHAH but i love your professional opinions so i had to

Thabit Ayob

Saame. Every Saturday i debate just going ahead and watching it myself


My question is did the Mom specify that the spring festival she was talking about was in 1995 as well and not the previous year? But also yeah it could have also happened in the US. My theory is that maybe the moms first love was actually the person she married but he’s changed so she’s talking about him like he’s a different person


Eun gyeol in the present was constantly cherished by his parents, meanwhile Eun Gyeol in 1995 is getting his ass whooped by mom and dad. It's always fun to see that juxtaposition. Also the development between Lee Chan and Cheong Ah picks up quicker from this point on, which I’m looking forward to you seeing. Everything from ep 1 till this point has really been building the foundation for their story, which is again a testament to the amazing writing in this show.