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with cravity's performance minhee stood out more in overdose than he did when he was the ace imo and taeyoung feels like the ace in every perfomance

Sven Lenders

My ranking for this round would be: Younite: Again an amazing cover of the song and a great storyline. TheCrewOne: They really stepped up their game and are quite tight with Younite for the top spot, I just felt like Armageddon was more of a Kingdom performance than Sherlock was. 8TURN: I already have seen the tutting part on Street Man Fighter so that wasn’t as special to me but it was still a great cover. Cravity: Great cover of the song, but the storyline wasn’t as clear as the others were Oneus: Honestly felt more like a comeback stage than a Kingdom performance. TEMPEST: I’m a bit disappointed on their performance, it was a bad cover in my opinion. The key of covering a group is to become the group, I feel like there was no way of becoming SuperM, in fact, SuperM is made up of aces that have proven themselves over many years and excel in their positions. The choreography was essential to Jopping and they made it not that powerful. The concept also was very mildly involved. The rapping was okay, but far from Mark and Taeyoung, unfortunate of Hyuk. They just chose an impossible task. I'm not sure if i like Overdose or Love Dive more

Alison Renaud

8turn Cravity Oneus Younite Thecrewone Tempest 8turns is by far my favorite performance of the entire show! It was Oneus Diggity. Cravity Sugar Rush Ride is also in my top 3. I feel for Tempest though, I would have picked thecrewone to leave tbh. I cant stand Jopping, I wish they did Tiger Inside instead if they wanted a superM song. I did love the matrix theme though so it was hard to choose the last two places for me. Sherlock is the better song for me so I had to choose that. I agree with your comments about Oneus. They should have switched this one for their Identity stage and used Diggity for NO limits. However, they were the only group to choose their own song! I wish more groups did that for this stage. I feel overall this show has t shown the groups own songs that much. I dont know if it's a choice on their part or if they don't believe their songs are big enough for this show? Oneus seems to be the one group to choose their own songs the most. You HAVE to see Cravity in concert! They are incredible live and one of the most just pure fun I've ever had at a concert! Serim in real life is blinding to say the least! He was so hard to look away from and not just stare at him all night! They're all stunning on stage its hard to just look at one of them the whole time. I know this is about the aces but I wish they showed more of the other members of Cravity like Woobin, Allen, ect... Myungho captivated me from round one with his chair performance 😳 him and Jaeyoon are my biases now. I've been learning more about 8turn and Tempest because of this show! I'm looking forward to seeing how 8turn and Myungho do in the future now. They are definitely idols to watch.

Sven Lenders

Taeyoung honestly just takes the ace position, i'm honestly convinced if he had joined PDX101 with the others (Hyeongjun, Minhee, Jungmo and Wonjin) he would have probably made it into X1, but I think he was still with SM back then.

Kait Gold

I think Cravity's strength is their teamwork and how it shows on stage, I've been a fan of them for a while and they just have a bond that seems so strong that you can see it in their performance too. It's even to a point where a member said they don't even want to debut units like other starship groups have because he couldn't stand the thought of performing without all of their members, they've also talked about wanting to renew contracts even though they aren't even to their 5th anniversary yet. I feel like this is because predebut, they weren't selected individually or confirmed to debut like how a lot of groups become the final lineup. Seongmin was actually being considered by starship to be the leader of the boy group to debut after cravity. Besides the members that were on produce x 101 who were confirmed, a performance these 9 prepared of Jopping predebut is what secured the rest of the members because of how well they worked together and looked while performing it. They still perform Jopping occasionally to this day because of that

Sami Casingal

I will admit that Cravity is a strong group both in road to kingdom but also outside of it. However, ever since I have heard of Cravity, I haven’t been drawn to their discography except for a few songs added to my playlist. I’m not sure why. I don’t need groups that are good at everything, I need groups that differentiate themselves from groups already existing or that have just been formed recently. That’s the reason ONEUS is my favorite group on road to kingdom and why I even gave this show a chance this time since I wasn’t a true fan of any other group here. Their discography is exceptional and there’s something about them that is different from any group here and even Cravity who can pull off anything. Plus, even if ONEUS has like one main main vocalist (Seoho), I still feel that ONEUS has better live vocals than any other team. ONEUS also pulls off unique concepts well like obv traditional ones but others that I don’t know how to describe. No hate to any group but just wanted to share my love for ONEUS regardless of what they rank on here and the reasons they are in my top 4 groups I love. Also PD, I also agree that ONEUS’s final new song is my top too. It’s not because I’m biased but I’m thinking objectively if I can see if any groups here can cover each other’s song and pull it off. In that sense, I don’t think the other teams can pull off ONEUS’s new song completely so that’s why their song ranks first for me and then Cravity’s new song is second since there may be one other team who I can see covering it and somewhat pull it off (hopefully that makes sense)


I can’t believe Hyuk had pneumonia and he still did all that, and after that was mentioned once they don’t mention it again in the Mnet edit it’s wild that Mnet always acknowledges illness prior maybe once but after they’re like LOOK A MISTAKE!! Could be caused by anything!! — I couldn’t be Hyuk I would be passed out in the hospital at that point


For me, Younite was my favorite. 👍 I like the performances also, that's mainly the sole reason for me to watch this show. Because, let's be real, at the end the one with the bigger Fandom will win. 😔


oh you're gonna LOVE oneus final song! they're also having a comeback on 1/14 and this song's remake is going to be their title track. will be looking forward to your IKUK mv reaction when it drops


This time I will keep it short, so I decided to focus only on the group performances. It is a bit hard for me to compare, because I did not manage to watch both episodes from start to end, because well… I had to do something else and also… I do not want to say that I can watch only story driven things if the length is “long”, but watching a show like this is not the same like watching a movie this long, so regardless of my schedules I pause it time to time… By the way… this helped me understand what this job of yours might be like. I have never blamed you for: “You should be glad you can just sit in front of camera for living”, but sure… there are definitely certain benefits of being able to have this as the main source of income. But I was thinking: “It is not just about sitting there. Besides the technical aspect, he has to provide proper feedback and he cannot just say: “Yeah… I will talk only about this part” And this could be applied to other reactions too and considering the amount and length of all the videos… I don’t blame you for burning out of it… But back to the topic of this video. Damn… I cannot say anything negative to TheCrewOne anymore, they finally reached the potential after all! And in general… all groups showed performances I came here for! For me the order is: 1) 8TURN - Love Dive 2) YOUNITE - Armageddon 3) Cravity - Overdose 4) TheCrewOne - Sherlock (Clue + Note) 5) Tempest - Jopping 6) Oneus - Luna It feels weird placing Oneus last, but somehow it just feels like: “They decided to release a remix version of Luna”, but that is it. Others pushed themselves and got better. Therefore they provided me the wow effect. But to be fair… all of it felt really neck to neck.


yeaaa taeyoung was built for survival shows. His presence is so strong and he has the right personality too. i think he's even talked about wanting to go on a survival show before and I guess he got his wish with rtk.


im glad you are impressed by cravity. you really liked them everytime u checked them out in the recent yrs, and u were drawn by their personalities too so I'm glad their performances are hitting aswell. Cravity had 1 week to brainstorm, prepare, learn, record, and execute this round and apparently they were constantly changing things up too so lots of relearning happened. i personally thought overdose was their weakest performance. but if u love this one, oh I am excited for your reaction to the finale. I do love cravity's reaction to the 100,000 points. they could've been mad and upset that all their point building up to now was basically pointless but they were more glad that it felt better to make it fair game and whoever wins finale, wins Serim is such an interesting guy to me. he was very intimidating and felt like such a mysterious guy to me when I was getting to know them. now that I know them well, he's such a calm, chill and gentle guy. complete opposite to his visuals, very affectionate and soft, always clinging to a member and I was so shocked to find out he was the leader. i almost desperately want you to check out cravity park so you can see them in a small group variety setting

Lilac Kaur

This round was the most interesting round for me and i was amazed with every single performance that was put on, but my fav was definitely Cravity. The story they portrayed was so simple yet each sections had detailed imagery and each member really delivered with their acting and dancing, not the mention choosing such an iconic song and developing it in a way that makes it new while salvaging the iconic sound. For me, the new songs that I liked from the snippets were 8turn and oneus, but TheCrewOne's song also grew on me after I listened to the full version a few times

Lilac Kaur

Also, I hope Hyuk took the time to recover after this round, they guy is such a trooper for pulling through and performing with a sickness.

Nell ♡

pd i really hope you would watch iland too even if its in a month or two because its a really great survival show

krista li

After this rewatch I think 8turn has my favorite stage this round, my LORD. The beauty and elegance


Thanks for the recognition! I'm really grateful for being able to do this as a job but it's also very exhaustive on the brain. But taking appropriate breaks, pushing and pulling my limits and taking care of my mental health and (working on) physical health has definitely made it more doable!


while 8turn was def my favorite stage, they may have ranked lower bc it seems like they didn’t sing live for the first part of their performance? also aside from myungho KILLING it—kyungmin’s part had me gagged🤭🤭 I did wish ONEUS did more with LUNA. also just a general note, I wish that xion was utilized more in the show… like lowkey I actually didn’t like much of his styling in RTK and he got maybe no lines outside of performances… Maybe he’s exhausted from touring but it feels like he was ignored on the show😭😭😭