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andrea malvesado

I love both seasons and I could watch them over and over again and more with you 2


I’m ready to have Ms Chu just clean house, let her smack everyone around


Motak is just so goofy Motak that I forgot he’s so casually RIPPED, he didn’t need to go that hard at the gym


I keep forgetting the bully is ALSO connected to the mayor ☠️ I didn’t think the crimes would all be intertwined


Cheong shin is at a level where him and the demon actually make one

Jenny Bjornsd.

Did you know the guy who plays Cheong Sin is the same guy from the Come Back Home MV by BTS. That’s where I saw him for the first time, he has a very memorable face.


is it the vine about the grapes? if you type this into yt you'll find it. FORESTNYMPH Vine by: Gio Volpe


I'm so excited for you guys to see how everything comes together. The way this story develops is incredible.