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I’m afraid it was her junior, please don’t let it be him I’ve been keeping an eye in case he turns ☠️


Aphasia is a brain damage stemming problem that affects the ability to produce speech and understand language—in mun’s case he had short term aphasia when he was a kid from the accident and could not speak for a few weeks


I love that the the big “let’s do this” game shift is them being like no more ramyeon 😤 lol


IVE BEEN SCREAMING ABOUT SEJEONG IN THIS THE WHOLE TIME SHES GOING OFFFF!!! You should watch her comeback for Top or Cliff this past year, idol Sejeong back in action but spicy and an amazing packed MV


Yes! Please watch top or cliff. I think you will love the MV.

Ebony Coco

Leverage is one of my favorite American shows along with Psych and Monk.