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TLDR- single-tier structure starts March 1st with a $6 tier! $3 tier patrons will be grandfathered into new benefits at current pledge as a thank you for your support/patience~ anybody who wishes to transfer to the $3 tier to take advantage of that can do so until the end of February!

So, I think it's fair to say I've fallen behind! I apologize for it, because I've definitely gotten caught in a cycle of falling behind, catching up, ad nauseam. I could give a lot of explanation for it, but ultimately, it boils down to my enthusiasm outweighing my time, energy, and spoons. I made the mistake of starting with a system that was too much for me and have had to go through the process of whittling it down, rather than starting simple and building up as I was able.

I know very few people would be upset with me over this- it's appreciated, but I want to give the apology anyway! I don't like promising things and not following through.

So! What's changing to simplify things and hopefully make a better experience for everybody?

Starting next month, there will be exactly one tier priced at $6! That will include-
☆Access to all new & past Patreon exclusive audios
☆Ad-free, early access to Youtube content
☆Dragonkin Discord role

Simple and to the point! Current $3 tier supporters can stay at their current pledge and will receive all $6 tier rewards indefinitely as a thank you for your support and patience. To everybody pledged at a higher tier, you are more than welcome to switch to the $3 tier! The $6 dragonkin tier will be the only one available from March 1st onward, but changing before then will get you the discounted pledge rewards at half-price of what they will be offered at from then on out~

And as a final note, rewards for months that I've missed posting for will be sent out in a message to ensure that everybody whose pledged for them receives them! I hope this all makes sense- please let me know if you have any questions!



Thank you for keeping us updated! Stay safe and healthy! Have a great day Salem!


Of course! Doing my best to try to make sure that if there's issues on my end that I'm as up front as possible about it~ Thanks so much, and all the same to you! ❤️

Theo Valentine

thank you for all your content don't stress too much ok? we love you a lot