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These panels goes online on this friday's upload.

I wasn't much of a tattoo fan in real life, and the original character design for North was based off those conservatively clothed Mr. Darcy type characters from British romances lol.

But then I had this idea of putting Napoleon's 'There shall be no Alps” quote on his back as a tattoo, to enhance his ambitious character.

I thought I was gonna stop there, to keep the character design clean and not messy, but then a few weeks ago I watched John Wick Chapter 2.   

Keanu Reeves' character in John Wick fought with a suit most of the time, but knowing there's some Russian prison tats underneath make him even more badass when he was kicking all his enemies asses.

So I thought “Hmm.. I guess tattoo can be a badass enhancement for a character, so oh well why not slap a few more on the MC tee hehe” (^∀^)

There's two sources where I got the idea o the dragon tattoo:

First one was from one of my favorite anime character growing up, which was the Dragon character from Saint Seiya (who has a dragon tatoo on his back). It was more of a chinese dragon design, which is cool, but it didn't feel like something that would fit my fantasy sci-fi stuff.

Second idea came from my current fascination with Game of Thrones.

I was binging Season 7 few weeks ago. After the super badass all female roundtable scene, Olena Tyrell said to Dany Targaryen, “You're a Dragon, be a Dragon.”  On the special commentary of that episode, the showrunner said that he wondered if that applies to every aspect of your life, not just that scene.

So mixing those two ideas together (my current fascination with GoT and my childhood anime) is where the dragon tatoo came from. (^∀^)



Nadene Berger

Gotta say you have to have a shower seen when you have a hot ass MC! I love tatoos but they have to be tasteful & I believe a work of art! I think for a strong (mentally & physically) ambitious MC the two tatoos work it gives a sense of mystery leaving you wondering what they mean to him.


Lol yeah, I added the shower scene after seeing the reaction on the comments on the early chapters clamoring on the hotness 😂😂. Posting this comic on webtoons definitely gives me a few ideas to add few extra fun stuff that wasn't in the early draft, but still a part of his character background that I wrote 😁