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Do you want to play? Hmmm? You don't have to darling. If you do...


šŸ‘™Step one: Set a goal...post it in the comments below. The whole month? A new PR. 

šŸ‘™Step two: Join me in ChastiKey and load this LOCK.

šŸ‘™Step three: Draw a single card once a day to determine if you will be tested.

šŸ‘™Step four: No dying and have fun.


šŸŸ¢GREEN = Listen to the last audio I posted available to you in either YouTube or Patreon 

šŸ”“RED = You are sparred...no playing of any sort today...denial (chastity if you are really looking for a challenge.

šŸŒ¶As an added challenge...I might post things...in Discord to tease you...if I feel like it. I wonder...who will be left standing? Tomorrow...we begin!



Benjamin Hart

My current goal is the whole month.


My goal is the whole month. This is where the fun begins.


Most I did was 7 for the charity event so anything better than that for now.


Uh, a month is the goal. Doubtful I'll do it and I probably wont be doing it with chastity because that's too stressful for me.


I'll try for the whole month as well. With Miss Wendy teasing I doubt I make it to the end.

Harry McAlister

90 days was considering bolt cutters towards the end. Iā€™ll try a month!


I'm all in! The Chastikey game is so much fun. My goal, Miss Wendy is for you to tease and play with me the entire month. I hope I'm ready for what you have planned.


Iā€™m game. One month.


I think ill try at least a weekšŸ˜…


My high bar goal is the entire month, otherwise low bar is 3 weeks. Recent longest was a week and a half, although that's nowhere near my longest of six months. Scaroused to see what your plans are Miss Wendy.


The whole month. Your kitten is ready for your challenge miss wendy

The Mr. Heath

I want to hold out till November 1st.

The Mr. Heath

Dec 1st* lmao sorry its late


I'll try a month, lets see how we do. I've gone longer without thinking about it, but it'll be easy enough with teasing right?


I will try the full month but my realistic goal with you teasing me is to last 5 days. I am really excited to see the challenges and stumble stones you have planned for us.

Peter Perhaps Pan

It's not the best time for this with Boris about to lock the country down for pretty much all of November, but Pan does like a good game so deal me in. I'll try for the month, might as well set the bar high I can fly after all.


I wanna play too. At least for november but I think I'm gonna try it for the whole period my country is in lockdown. (6 weeks for now) Maybe this challenge will help me keep focus in this difficult times. I am ready not to yield for all the sexiness you throw at me Miss Wendy... I think :)


Not chastity. Not even no sex. Really...itā€™s no fap. šŸ˜‰ Iā€™ll put you down as the fourth one to set the goal at a month.


Oh my...90 days locked up?? Thatā€™s intense baby boy. A month should be easier or harder is denial vs chastity for you?


Aye. Big ole cup of depresso will do that sometimes.


This is the first time I'm doing NNN (I tried before but more as a joke). I'd really like to try lasting the whole month... but I doubt I'd be able to (yet. Maybe with a bit more exp šŸ˜Š). I think I'll try 2 weeks and see, if I'm already desperate by then šŸ¤—


Iā€™m in for the full 30 days. Quite excited what you may have in store for us.


Im in too. Tried last 2 yrs but always failed after the half. But I guess we are in good company.. What could go wrong? Ah left discord for family safety reasons.. How to come back?


Two weeks is quite a feat tbh. Cheering you on and teasing you at the same time...I know...a dichotomy.


Welcome to the challenge. For Discord...you might have to disconnect Patreon and Discord. That should pop you right back into the server.


Thx for the advice. Unfortunately it didn't worked out. After canceling authorisation and connection to my discord I could re-authorisate but your server is still missing in my Discord. EDIT: Even with a second account I dont join the server. guess patreon is (again) messing things up :(


First attempt. Whole month trial

Harry McAlister

I too am having a difficult time linking Discord to the lock program.


Itā€™s my first attempt and Iā€™ll try the whole month, but maybe two weeks would be a realistic goal


I think two weeks is my record at the moment, but I know that the real test beginns when I will pull a green card.


Let us redefine success then at two weeks, shall we? Good luck...I am cheering for you even as I tease you.


Perfect...let's see what fun can be had as you are teased.

C. T. Meraki (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 02:29:49 Iā€™ll get in on this too I suppose. Bronze medal goal is the whole month untempted. Silver medalā€™s one month with audios & NSFW discord tempts. Gold medal šŸ¤” one month plus edging & denial (truly, a masochist am I).
2020-11-02 22:25:49 Iā€™ll get in on this too I suppose. Bronze medal goal is the whole month untempted. Silver medalā€™s one month with audios & NSFW discord tempts. Gold medal šŸ¤” one month plus edging & denial (truly, a masochist am I).

Iā€™ll get in on this too I suppose. Bronze medal goal is the whole month untempted. Silver medalā€™s one month with audios & NSFW discord tempts. Gold medal šŸ¤” one month plus edging & denial (truly, a masochist am I).


whole month


Let's play... My first time, my first challenge for the whole month. Wish me luck, Miss Wendy....

William Scott W Hathaway

I'm a bit late to the party, took a couple days to get my bank, Paypal, and Patreon to all play nice. That said, I've denied myself so far and I want to go the full 30 days.


I don't have to and I don't do. I'm just feel like I have to deal with other things enough for the moment, so it would feel like another burdon and would be not good for anything. It it possible to play it - perhaps in January instead? Of course it would be more fun in November, I know.


late joiner, 2wk pb goal


I wonder what kind of audio we will get to end NNN. ruin? post orgasm torture to multiple orgasms? multiple ruins and then after like the third one we get to cum for real?


I am new, but I would like to join. ItĀ“s my first attempt, so I want try 2 weeks. Sorry for my bad english.


You are welcome to join and so far I understand you perfectly. Two weeks. An admirable goal. Cheering you on.


Sorry Miss Wendy but I really wasn't enjoying NNN and it was honestly just stressing me out so I'm out. Really kinda funny considering I was gonna try for a month but it is what it is.


i am going to start off at possibly a week or a week and a half and go from there thought beast to start small so my current day goal is the 12th of november but may go from there afterwards