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☯️ So...you have been abstaining?

☯️ Taking good care of yourself?

☯️ Then...suddenly you transcend space...finding yourself on a higher plane.

☯️ Enjoy darling...😈

Written by Bobdidit
Edited by Rush

PS...I had SO MUCH fun with this one. You boys really outdid yourselves on this one. Thank you Bob and Rush...so fun to work with you.

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: 18+ ASMR Exclusive NSFW Wendy-exclusive blow-job bondage collab-with-author cow-girl cream-pie denial enlighentment fxm giggles immersive kisses licking lost-boy-writer magic orgy possible-denial riding teasing test whispers worship

(if you listen to this and would like to add all the fun tags to help others find things, leave me a comment my studious darling)

Note: A cute stand alone story.




What a fun script idea, I can think of no better performer for it ;)


You devious devious Women you can stop me I will make it to the end when I do I'm gonna fuck you senseless so hard it will be blasted to the Into the next dimension



Delta Ethos Studio

Very creative script. Teleportation and projection abilities could surely be explored further (◠‿◕) The subtle nature sounds with birdsongs are a pleasing touch as well. This gave me inspiration for a science fiction themed script as well. Cheers Miss Wendy, Bob and Rush!


The tingles were so good. The different projections scared me every time though. Thought someone was coming in my room every time. Lol. This audio was really well done and loved the script.

Peter Perhaps Pan

Yes the climb was very invigorating Tink. I felt I might tumble over the edge at any moment on the lower slopes, but higher up I got my second wind and strode on boldly. Now let's try to achieve enlightenment. Maybe we can keep some of the enlights to brighten up the new treehouse afterwards.


Last year I had to do no nut September to December, I should be a Dalai Lama by now


Great script from start to finish. I got excited at the thought of spending the whole week with you. Fantastic tease. At the end ,after it was over, I didn't dare move for a few minutes. And there are two sequels? Oh boy I might transcend straight over the edge.


Higher Peter...you must fly higher. All you need is some fairy dust and a happy thought. I believe in you .


Right over the edge...I hope to tease two more out of Bob...but he only writes when he is denied...lol

Peter Perhaps Pan

Thank you your belief was well placed. I remain aloft and nearer to enlightenment, or at least December the 1st lol. Yes Tink the fairy dust helped a great deal.


So many Miss Wendy's, not enough willpower on my part to resist them. If this was the final task to achieve enlightenment then I doubt I would ever make it. A permanent cycle of getting of getting to this challenge and then cumming anyway. Who needs enlightenment when I can just experience this over and over again. Thank you for the audio.


I really do love all the sfx but they are good because it is your voice Miss Wendy bringing me all the enjoyment. Thank you to the entire team for this one.


I enjoyed this much. It's a good script from Bob, a great performance and Rush did a great job ad editing the audio. To fail for comming back sounds good. Nirvana - why should I want that?