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πŸš£πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Lay down and I will be silly and read a chapter written in the 1800s from a wonderfully silly book.

🚣🏾 Nothing fancy...nothing formal.

πŸš£πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ I do love a bit of British humour...and can't help but chuckle as I share this "masterpiece" with you.

"Three Men in a Boat" written by Jerome K. Jerome
Sound Design and Editing by Rush

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: SFW fxm gfe giggles narrative reading sweet teasing 

(if you listen to this and would like to add all the fun tags to help others find things, leave me a comment my studious darling)

Note: If you would like to read the rest for yourself....CLICK HERE...for a PDF.




I just woke up, but I'm ready to go back to bed and listen to it!


You should find the child story, i forget how it goes but it starts as β€œRub a dub three men in a tub”

Darren Gorham

From this Brit, the Thames is pronounced 'Temz', if that helps. It is a classic book. Would you consider doing chapters from other books from time to time? I love your narration, keep up the good work!


Been looking at all the things in the public domain for fun. I might keep adding to the books I read from. Also...Temz! oof.

Darren Gorham

Sorry, 'Tems', but the 's' is pronounced as a 'z', at least that's how most of us pronounce it. The one that has always tickled me is 'Shire' as in Shire horses, but at the end of of a County's name it's pronounced 'sheer'! Anyway, enough rambling on about the peculiarities of the way we spell and say things,thank you for replying. Enjoy your tea Ms Wendy


... which is apparently a sly reference to elites of society having sordid pastimes like attending peep shows... Oh, internet