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🌊 Are you ever discouraged?

🌊 Wonder if you are making a difference?

🌊 Put your headphones in cutie.

Written by Rush
Sound Design and Editing by Rush

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: SFW early-access encouraging gfe immersive pet-names snuggle-slut 




I do sometimes...when I overhaul things...lol. Happy you are in my life too cutie. Love seeing you grow Mo.

Adrian Mark

Do you need a hug? I have some waiting. πŸ€«πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆπŸ˜‡πŸ’—


Wow. I pretty like that the main cause is simply doing nothing. I have to listen to it again. The waves and other sounds were just so impressive, that my mind switched to listen to the sea often.


love the play on words with the title.


Not sure if you check comments on old posts but, this is such a fantastic audio Miss Wendy. Just felt like thanking you and letting you know you are still such a huge help and beacon of light in my life. This is just one audio among so many others that I could go on and on about how amazing it is. I really hope everything is going well for you Miss Wendy, you are in my thoughts often. Hugs :)