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Warning: This one is sweet and CRAZY.

💋 Why is it so cold in here?


💋 Okay, yeah, I’m the one who turned up the AC.

💋 But do you really mind all that much?


💋 Being cuddled up with me feels nice, doesn’t it? Magical.

Written by EmeraldAshes
Editing and Sound Design by Rush

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Tags: [Short][Cute][Crazy]

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Nicky Shortstacks

I had no idea summer was Yandere season 😆


As cute and lovely as this is….. is not Yandere like a psycho?


You have the best Yandere voice, Miss Wendy!

cuddle_bun V(A)TUBER

I just read the title and seems like something I would do 🤣 great minds think alike right miss Wendy ?

Shane Driscoll

I’ve seen a lot of people do yandere and it’s usually all silent and morbid but you on the other hand, are more on the giddy side which works really well for these kind of things! it makes the things you say less expected which works really nice for the vibe you’re trying to give off as a yandere. Thanks for the audio Miss Wendy! now excuse me while I lock my doors and windows 🏃🏻💨


Awww…now you’re safe! *hides lock picking skills* It’s getting late tho…rest…so stable.


Even if she is a psycho or possessive, that could get to stuffy in a relationship. Don’t people need to have the space to do what they want? I may be reading to much into it, but I generally do not like the heat that much, so I may not enjoy what she wants to do.