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❤️ You’re working your retail job during the crazy holiday season. 

❤️ When you are approached by a regular customer who likes to talk to you.

❤️ She has always seemed very interested in you.

❤️ But this time she makes an unexpected request.

❤️ Will you accept?

Written by MattyestMatt
Editing and Sound Design by Rush

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: [Yandere] [Sugar Mommy] [Willing Listener] [Retail Worker Listener] [Shy Listener] [Holiday Season] [“Good Boys”]

What is your favorite part of the holiday season??



Shae Reub

Being a sugar baby? Having someone love & take care of me?Not having to work endless hours to pay the bills? Where do I sign up?

David Silva

But if I can't leave how will I buy her a Christmas present?


at a point in life where having a quiet day without all the hustle and bustle is really relaxing. That is my favorite part. And toffee...😉