Working in my first project of the year and Picarto (Patreon)
What’s up, dudes!
Do you guys remember that post about my plans for 2020? (Check out on Patreon and my website) About making my own projects and other things I want to try and do for this year? And one of my projects is focusing more on comics/manga? Well, that is what I’m doing right now and the reason why I’m so quiet so long!
And for starters, I’m making a hentai/parody of Avatar, The Last Airbender, the third book. In this story is about Azula and Zuko having incest sex in her bedroom. It’s from that scene of the first episode from Book 3, The Awakening. Come on, you perverts, admit it! That scene is kind of kinky in some way… (woe is I and my perverted ideas)
The sketches of the pages will be published on my Patreon only, but, it will be for Tier 2 and up patrons.
I don’t know how many hentai fanarts or parody comics based on this scene are on the internet (I know two artists that have had done this before and one of them, oh man, so dang hot!), but I always wanted to do mine, too.
The comic will be 10 pages in black and white with screen tones, plus the cover page in color. I was going to do the whole comic in colors, but, I realized that it will take too much time, and I’m still don’t have the experience of coloring comics/manga… yet...
I still got another project comic that I’m going to work with my favorite creator (if you’ve been following me before, you know who I’m talking about) and another one (I’m not going to spoil that, yet) and one fan art of My Little Pony Equestria Girls that I got in my pending list, but I really want to do this one.
My inspirations in making comics are jollyjack and Zummeng from deviantArt. I don’t know how these guys can make so many comics in one year. Perhaps, they working as freelancers and have a lot of time for them to work on their projects. As for me, how can an artist like me work with their own projects while they got a job from 9 to 6, five days a week? What’s your opinion about this?
So, that’s it! I hope you like the comic. And I would like to hear your opinion about what do you think of this parody comic/manga. And as always, let’s make something awesome!
Oh, one last thing!
If you want to see how I work on this comic, I’m “reopening” my stream channel on Picarto.
When I said reopening, I don’t mean that I deleted my account, it just that I haven’t put the effort to keep using it. So, from this year, I will be using my Picarto from Monday to Thursday at 9:00 PM Caracas time zone for one hour. Of course, there will be times that I won’t streaming in some days due to real-life business, but I’ll try to keep doing it in this way.
So, if you want to come on in and say hi, and follow my channel, visit my Picarto stream at