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What’s up dudes!

Welp, March is about to end. How’s everyone during the events that are happening in the world right now? Is everyone taking preventing health measures against the Coronavirus? I hope everyone is okay.

Anyway, change of topic, now that I finished the ATLA adult parody comic, I want to give a PDF comic to all my patrons as a way to express my biggest gratitude for reading my comic. It was fun to draw and I’m glad that everyone enjoyed reading the comic.

I still got ideas for more parody comics… adult parody comics to be more specific… But, I’ll save this for later in the future. Probably after April, I will announce what will be my next parody comic. In May I will start working on my next parody comic.

And talking about April, some of you may not know this, but I will take a break from comics and do something different during April. So I decided to do an art challenge. I’ve been googling and searching on the internet what art challenges are in April, and so far I found three. Two of then are interesting, but not the type of art challenge that I’m looking for. However, the third one caught my eye, and it’s called #AdventureApril 

This challenge was created by Josiah (@JosiahMoore on Twitter) and it’s about creating your own OCs in a Fantasy setting during April. And it looks like an interesting challenge. I don’t know if anyone knows about this challenge, or if anyone had done it before, but by reading the prompt list, it looks the perfect challenge for me.

This prompt list is from @mattydraws Tumblr page that I found on the internet (click the link to read it),  I couldn’t find an updated version of that list, so I’m taking this prompt list to start.

These images belong to Matter Draws.

And that’s it. I hope everyone is alright during this crazy quarantine and take care. And as always, let’s make something awesome! (But, stay in your home)


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