Ignition Crisis Fantasy, The ritual failed [COMM] (Patreon)
2020-04-19 15:00:04
A patreon commission requested by my favorite creator, Sneedham and his harem of sexy ladies! This is the sequel of the ritual, about what happened after Jodi and the other witches, Rena, Maxime, Ca Here's some lore written by the awesome Sneedham:
Jodi’s coven’s attempt at experimenting with dark magic was a failure with carol becoming possessed by some spirit that resides in the book and her sisters, Tanya, Maxine, and Rena becoming corrupted by the dark magic bellowing from her. Rena managed to erect a magical barrier long enough for Jodi to escape, but soon fell victim to the corruption as well.
Really awesome story, eh? If you like my art, support me on Patreon.