MLPEG Celestia and Luna (Patreon)
What’s up, dudes!
It’s finally done! Man, this fan art took me a lot of time to make it. At first, I was going to make only 5 arts of the couples with Celestia and Luna, but, by the time I was making the fan art, more ideas came out from this one (I better stop doing this, it’s becoming a bad habit art)
Anyway, a fan art(s) of Celestia and Luna from the My Little Pony series and the Equestria Girls series (well, my own versions), and in their alternate versions: The Good Princesses, the Principal and Viceprincipal from (EG), the evil Queens in their (almost) human form (my own interpretation); the BGSM (to be honest, I have no idea where that idea came from); and naked, both in their three alternate versions (teachers, princesses and queens)
For the rewards of June, I have the idea to give my patrons for Tier 3 and up all the versions in high resolution: in couples and solo (for each character); SFW and NSFW. In total, it’s a full package with 24 arts of Celestia and Luna.
Patreons of Tier 2 will have only the couples in their alternate versions (teachers, princess, queens, BGSM and naked). I’ll explain this in detail on Patreon latter.
Anyway, thank you for your kind support, and as always, let’s make something awesome!
And stay safe.
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