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What’s up, dudes?

I’m happy to announce that we did it! The last fan art of the Swimsuit series! The last character of the mane 7, and also my most favorite one, Fluttershy in her scuba diving suit, but much sexier. And this is perhaps my best art of Fluttershy so far!

Thank you everyone who is supporting me on Patreon. Making these fan arts was a great joy. Especially the three last ones because Sunset and Twilight are also my favorite ones.

There is a nude version of this fan art, only for patrons. But you can watch this fan art on my other websites like Pixiv and hentai-Foundry. I’m just saying that All my patrons have early Access to see this art before the post gets public. 

Now that I finally finished the series, I want to say some things about the Adobe Fresco: I had to say that this is a great app. Some of the features that I found when I was making the four last fan arts (starting with Rarity) are so great. It took me a while to figure out how each tool works and to get used to the way that this app works with the layers, but I finally start to understand the mechanics of Adobe Fresco. The only thing that I still not happy about it is the pen pressure, it is too hard to handle it with my Apple Pencil, and this is a problem that I don’t have with Medibang and Sketchbook Pro. So, Adobe really needs to fix this.

But, so far is a great app to make art. However, I can’t say is THE best app is for one reason: Procreate. All the artist that I know and has an iPad knows that Procreate is the best apps to make art and I still haven’t tried out, yet. However, Adobe Fresco can be one of the best alternative apps for Procreate. One day I will try out Procreate by myself.

Anyway, that’s it for. Again, thank you so much for your kind support. And as always, let’s make something awesome!




um... nude version not posted

Brother Tico

Posted! I made a mistake in the day to publish it. It was supposed to be published this morning, but I put it for tomorrow instead. My bad.

Brother Tico

Posted! I made a mistake in the day to publish it. It was supposed to be published this morning, but I put it for tomorrow instead. My bad.