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And so we finally arrived! The last page of my adult hentai parody comic of Silent Hill 4: The Room.

If you have read this comic up here, I want to say a BIG thank you for your support. It was a long journey making a full-colored comic like this one and I learn a lot from it. Just like some people say: It’s not about arriving at your destination, it’s about the journey itself.

After this, I think I’m going to take a break from comics for a while and make other things next month (unless I change my mind and do a new comic/manga at mind January, who knows, I’m so unpredictable, even for myself).

Anyway, thank you for reading again. And as always, let’s make something awesome!

Also, I would like to know what do you think about this comic. Did you like it? Or is there something I need to improve more? What are your thoughts about Silent Hill 4: At the mercy of the monster? Write your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to read them.



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